Minority Citizen’s Log, Day 80 – 1 week in… holy shit

In any normal week in history, the biggest and most offensive headline around the world would be “Pussy Hat.”  Holy shit, where do we start…

  1. It’s good to see the resistance stand strong.  The women’s protest in Washington DC last week far eclipsed the size of Trump’s… inauguration.  Protests took place in many other major cities across the US and the world, even going as far as Antarctica.  #yayresistance!
  2. Trump’s press secretary’s very first address was a direct order from Donald Trump to blatantly lie and tell the media that they suck and that Trump’s inauguration was the biggest in history.  #areyoufuckingkiddingme
  3. When asked about this lie, Kellyanne Conway told Chuck Todd, bold-faced, that it wasn’t a lie, but “alternative facts.”  #facepalm #whydoesthisbitchgetairtime
  4. Trump has signed multiple executive orders, including ones to repeal the Affordable Care Act, build the Mexican border wall, ban immigrants from Muslim nations that haven’t attacked us, fast-track the Dakota Access Pipeline to pollute our drinking water, re-instate torture, and declare inauguration day a holiday in his own honor.  Jesus.  With all of that signing, Melania living in New York, and Putin denying him hookers, his little hand must be exhausted.  #tootiredtopushthenukebutton #notsurethatsagoodthing #justkillusallnow
  5. The Doomsday Clock moved closer to apocalypse status than it has been since 1953.  I guess we really are gonna die, lol.  #imgoodwithit

And yes, it’s only been 1 week…


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